API – ProductData
General Online Reference
GetProduct [GET]
The GetDataProduct operation retrieves a product from the shop based on a unique product number.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a product number (id) for the product
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the product number cannot be null
When successful the operation returns a product with related data.
Request and response format
GetDataProductsInCategory [GET]
The GetDataProductsInCategory operation retrieves a list of products in a product category from the shop.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a category number (id) for the category
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the category number cannot be null
When successful the operation returns a list of products with related data.
Request and response format
GetDataProductsByBarcode [GET]
The GetDataProductsByBarcode operation retrieves a list of products from the shop based on a barcode.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a barcode
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the barcode cannot be null
A list of products with the given barcode
Request and response format
GetDataProductsByModificationDate [GET]
The GetDataProductsByModificationDate operation retrieves a list of products from the shop modified on a given date.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a date with the format yyyy-MM-dd
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the modified date cannot be null and must be in the correct format (yyyy-MM-dd)
When successful the operation returns a list of products modified on the given date.
Request and response format
GetDataProductsInModifiedInterval [GET]
The GetDataProductsInModifiedInterval operation retrieves a list of products from the shop modified between two dates or datetimes
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a startdate with the format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- a enddate with the format yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the startdate and enddate parameters cannot be null and must be in the correct format (yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss)
When successful the operation returns a list of products modified between startdate and enddate
Request and response format
CreateProduct [POST]
The operation creates a new product in the shop.
The SetStockCount operation sets the current stock count for the specified product.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a product number (Productnumber) for the product
- an stock count integer
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the product number cannot be null
- the stock count must be a integer.
When successful the operation returns true
Request and response format
GetDataCatagories [GET]
The GetDataCategories operation retrieves a list of root product categories.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
When successful the operation returns a product with related data.
Request and response format
GetDataCatagories [GET]
The GetDataSubCategories operation retrieves a list of product categories that are children to the specified parent category.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- parent category number (categorynumber)
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
When successful the operation returns a list of categories
Request and response format
GetDataProductCount [GET]
The GetDataProductCount operation counts the number of products
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
An integer containing the total number of products in the shop
Request and response format
GetDataProductPage [GET]
The GetDataProductPage operation retrieves a paged list of products.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- pageindex
- pagesize
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
A list of dataproducts
Request and response format
DeleteProduct [DELETE]
The DeleteProduct operation deletes a product
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- productnumber (Id)
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
True if the product has been deleted
Request and response format
CreateCategory [POST]
The CreateCategory operation creates a new category in the shop.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a category data object
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the category object must be specified correctly
Data for the created category
Request and response format
UpdateCategory [PUT]
The UpdateCategory operation creates a new category in the shop.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a category data object
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the category object must be specified correctly
Data for the updated category
Request and response format
DeleteCategory [DELETE]
The DeleteCategory operation deletes a category (including all child categories) from the shop, based on a unique category number.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a category number (id) for the category
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the category number cannot be null
When successful the operation returns true, otherwise false.
Request and response format
GetDataCategory [GET]
The GetDataCategory operation retrieves a category from the shop based on a unique category number.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- a category number (id) for the category
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the category number cannot be null
When successful the operation returns a category with related data.
Request and response format
UpdateProduct [PUT]
The UpdateProduct operation updates an existing product.
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- productnumber(id)
- data product object
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the id must match the productnumber of an existing product
- the product object must be specified correctly
Data for the created product
Request and response format
PatchProduct [PATCH]
The PatchProduct operation updates one or more properties of an existing product
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- productnumber(productnumber)
- product patch object
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the id must match the productnumber of an existing product
- the product patch object must be specified correctly
Data for the updated product
Request and response format
The CreatePrice operation creates a new price for an existing product
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- productnumber(productnumber)
- product price object
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the productnumber must match the productnumber of an existing product
- the product price object must be specified correctly
- a price with the same (amount,currency,b2bgroup) does not exist
Data for the created price
Request and response format
The DeletePrice operation deletes a price on an existing product
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- productnumber(productnumber)
- product price object
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the productnumber must match the productnumber of an existing product
- the product price object must be specified correctly
Data for the deleted price
Request and response format
The GetPricesForProduct operation returns all prices for the specified product
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- productnumber(productnumber)
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the productnumber must match the productnumber of an existing product
List of prices
Request and response format
PatchProductSettings [PATCH]
The PatchProductSettings operation updates one or more site specific properties of an existing product
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- productnumber(productnumber)
- productsettings patch object
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- the id must match the productnumber of an existing product
- the productsettings patch object must be specified correctly
Data for the updated product settings
Request and response format
GetProductPageCount [GET]
The GetProductPageCount operation counts the number of pages a specific pagesize will generate
The operation takes the following input:
- an authentication key (see Authentication for details)
- pagesize
The following validation will determine whether the operation succeeds:
- the authentication key must be valid (see Authentication for details)
- pagesize must be a valid integer
An integer containing number of pages
Request and response format