<% Option Explicit '********** code samples - classic ASP ************ '********** rev. 1.0 - check status of regular transactions '********** Date: 05-12-2006 ********************** '********** DanDomain - Dennis Mathiesen ********** dim XMLHTTPobj,PageUrl,MerchantNumber,Password,OrderID '********** setup variables for later use- Replace varibles to fit your merchant info MerchantNumber = 1231231 Password = 1234567 OrderID = "1020" PageUrl = "https://pay.dandomain.dk/payapi.asp?username="&MerchantNumber&"&password="&Password&"&Checkstatus=1&OrderID=" & OrderID '********** Do not change anything below this line! unless you are familiar with programming '********** Create the xml http object, version and protocol set XMLHTTPobj = server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") '********** Open the xml http object ************** XMLHTTPobj.open "GET", PageUrl,false '********** execute ******************************* XMLHTTPobj.send '********** print the response you get from the server ' response.write XMLHTTPobj.responseText '********** close object for later use ************ set XMLHTTPobj = nothing %>